Approaching the building, she hesitated. It didn't look like much from the outside. The building, set along the railroad tracks, was plain and unassuming with a Victorian ambiance. Drawing a breath she pushed open the ornate double door and her perception immediately changed. Never judge a book, Melinda chided herself
It was like wandering into another century. A sweeping staircase greeted her, its polished banisters gleaming in the dim light. The interior was tastefully decorated, clean and elegant. There were small dining rooms to her right which appeared to have at one time been used as a drawing room. Each table was set with unique china place settings and crystal of the period. No two settings were the same.
And the girls...they were lovely. Dressed in period gowns they mingled with the patrons, mostly men, laughing and flirting with them as they drank. The ones waiting tables in the elegant dining rooms wore dresses that were low cut and revealing. She watched as one man leaned in to his companion, whispered something and then gestured to a young woman who smiled coquettishly as his hand found its way to her backside. She led them up the staircase and disappeared behind the door at the top of the landing.
Melinda couldn't help the blush that burned her cheeks. Approaching a girl who stood by the stairs Melinda drew a steadying breath and introduced herself, "Hi, I called about the hostess job." Curious, unable to prevent her gaze from trailing up the stairs, she asked, "I wondered - are those dining rooms up there?"
The girl smiled knowingly, "Yes, those rooms are...private."
~ Revamped excerpt from Chameleon ~